Electric Power Generation
When it comes to Electric Power Generation, Carter Power Systems has experienced technicians to get the job done right. We have servicing options for anything that comes up. From electrical testing and other advanced electrical services to control panel retrofits and component rebuilds, we have options for your budget. Our services are backed by our field service fleet. With a fleet of 150 service trucks, we can service your power system right where it is.

Electrical Testing
Don’t be in the dark when the power goes out. Proper maintenance and testing are the keys to ensure your generator and related systems are in top condition when you need them. We have three…

Component Rebuilds
When it comes to the life of your power system, the typical lifespan of engine and powertrain components are 10,000-20,000 hours. When that time is up, engine & powertrain components…

Control Panel Retrofits
Carter Power Systems’ generator control panel retrofit program can help you get more life out of your older generators and switch boards. This cost-effective…

Customer Value Agreements
At Carter Power Systems we work with our customers to create a customer value agreement (CVA) tailored for their unique power system or fleet…